Robert Pedersen here.

Thank you for your interest in art and my mission!

With your permission, I’ll tell a bit about how all this started…

The image that started it all.

Seductive Light Photography began by accident… an attempt to create a Facebook profile image in the style of Rodin’s famous “The Thinker” pose.

The creation of that image led to the creation of many more images and a buried passion was uncovered!

Something else even more important happened.

I learned to love my own body.

You see, many of the male images you’ll see here and on my Instagram profile are me.

And there was a time when I hated my own form and would have never considered photographing it or allowing anyone else to see it. To say I was lacking confidence and self love would have been a HUGE understatement.

As I grew my portfolio of self portraits I couldn’t help but notice the amazing shift in my perspective towards my own body that occurred… and I knew I was on to something magical and transformational!

I knew I wanted to share that experience with others – others who likely didn’t have the love for photography that I have, or the equipment.

Seductive Light Photography was born.

I am here to show you how amazing you are and hopefully give you a dimension of self-love you’ve never experienced before… while providing some images you’ll love!

And if you have never had body image issues, then all the better! I’m here to photograph you as well!

Don’t wait!

Let’s create!

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